There will be a liturgy at 11:30am on Sunday, 3rd March, first to God. It is the Sunday of the Prodigal Son.
Despite the depth of the sin and bad ways of life into which we fall, we should never lose hope. God as a loving Father will always receive those who turn to him in humility and seek to return to His way of life that is eternal and not temporal. Yet, also keep in mind that we cannot partly repent, God is not fooled. We need to reconcile in all things to be like Him. God will help us with this too to be so, if we are willing to implement His help. So too, when reconciling with those on earth whom we have wronged; let us reconcile properly and truly with God's help and not in part, else we will only shatter the relationship again.
Let us, like God, be of open heart to receive all sinners, who wish to turn to God despite what they have done. Never block someone from reconcilation, even for the most grevious hurts, athough we may need to keep away from them while they continue in the path of destruction. Let us not allow hatred to grow in our hearts for those who wrong us, especially those whom we loved so much. God is love and loves us despite or constant wrongs, known and unknown, against Him. We must be as God in all things with His help.
There is a liturgy at 11:30am, Sunday 25 February.
The Sunday is that of the Publican and Pharisee and the following week is fast free. We are coming to the start of the Great Fast. The Fast starts fully on Monday, 18 March. With Pascha (Easter Sunday) on 5 May.
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